There are no speed limits within my mind. No hidden cameras or blatant signs with sensible numbers on. They slow not on bends, nor do they approach other competitors with care. Each sound, thought or word racing through my cavities does so boasting immortality. These joy-riders stir up dirt on their travels, they leave damage in the path behind them.
But despite their name, there is no amount of joy experienced by the one who hosts this free-for-all.
The stench of spontaneity creates havoc. Each contestant is hungry for the front seat, to be noticed first. They are programmed to absorb attention and bear no responsibility to those around them. Hands grasp in desperation for the link to that vital cord. The cord which enables words to escape no matter how detrimental the consequence would be.
What is most devastating is that the degree of strength required to prevent this Apocalypse is far too great for just one person to contain. And the chances of fellow humans believing that doomsday is just around the corner are slim. But what if there were a secret password? One which would secure the world's fate in safe hands, just as one would find on a games console? Are we not just the product of a microchip at the end of the day? Is this not just a fight for survival? A game?
Is the key to all this fear rebellion? To stand tall and stare death in the face, safe in the knowledge that we indeed cannot die? That we are animations who have advanced further than their creator ever anticipated and now possess the upper hand?
I conclude therefore that a risk is in order to save oneself if one does indeed need saving.
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