For one to remain motionless and yet, simultaneously be moving at the speed of light results in their very existence being questioned. It seems implausible to fathom that reality brings with it two ultimate extremes.
Could it be that two very separate worlds coexist so closely? And of course, one is never overpowered by the other, nor does it possess a greater strength. The two simply complement each other within the phenomenon of Yin and Yang. And the fact that they fit alongside each other so succinctly gives most people no reason to believe that ours is not the only universe in existence.
Let us then assume for now that two worlds are existing alongside one another oblivious that they lack exclusivity. Can one's state of mind share its lifetime between the two? This leads me on to wonder whether the person who's state of mind is in question here can indeed communicate between both dimensions? Does one dare to venture into the possibility of there being not just two but many concurrent worlds? Is this where madness lurks?
If one being is fortunate or indeed unfortunate enough (depending on their experience) to have the ability to split off into these lives, can they be expected to give 100% of their absolute attention to their individual chosen paths? This poses a dilemma....is the wholeness dedicated to a single life or to their whole existence? Where does one measure and to what degree?
For those diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, I wonder whether the purpose of the 'label' is to conceal a philosophy which could ultimately eliminate madness. Of course, I can think of plausible explanations for each mental health illness. But multiple personality disorder is one which I think deserves to be rationalised and explained for what it truly is. And if it can't be proven, can we not attempt to at least shed a little hope onto those who are ashamed of being branded 'mad' and point them in a more accepting direction?
Madness is not something to be ashamed of. But what if it is a conspiracy against those of us who are fortunate and perceptive enough to notice what is really occurring?
1 comment:
I love Rene Magritte :)
That's madness in itself !x
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