Thursday, 17 April 2008

Through the keyhole....

There is a clear distinction between the inches of seclusion which surround me and the freedom beyond. Within my bubble my vision is dirty like pond water, movement ceases to exist for there is no purpose in this sphere of silence. There is no reason to move, nor is there cause to make a sound or to breathe. No, breathing is unnecessary such as a foetus contained within a uterus, protected from harm.

Somewhere located in the northern hemisphere of my globe there is a tiny keyhole. Small enough for the contents to remain hidden from the other side but large enough to recognise that there is movement out there, colour, and light. Out there is where time moves forwards. The contrast of time between my world and theirs is so astronomical that the speed at which the planet Earth is turning seems far too inaccurate to be real. What would happen if someone were to look in through that peephole? I'm certain that their eyes would burn through me creating a heat so hot that I would dissolve quietly into a pile of ash. You can't feel pain if you're dust.

I am trapped in this pod, the key lies comfortably within the grasp of the caretaker. No amount of bargaining will set me free. My only source of comfort are the sounds in my mind, reverberating so consistently that they offer a welcome distraction from the bleak future which lies ahead. The question is, how much of my future will be bleak? Is it likely that I'll ever escape? Do I need to trust someone to get out? How can I place my trust in the people who locked me in here to begin with?

This all seems strangely familiar.

Am I reliving past horrors?

Music is the last remaining constant in my world. It is like no other person has ever experienced for the music within my shell speaks to me a language which is so brand new, so fresh that to those foreign to my pod it is entirely misunderstood. Not to me however, because despite it being undiscovered, I understand this magical language so succinctly that it feels as though it was born with me, my mother tongue.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

i'm loving your writing... very powerful and i can feel your emotions as i read each entry... here's a big {hug} for you x