For example, I told somebody from the mental health profession that i feel like an illustration, as though somebody is in the sky drawing/painting me. This artist knows my fears and uses them against me. When I look up into the clouds to see who it is, I never ever see anyone.
This was then translated as follows:
"Natalie feels as though she is being persecuted by somebody in the sky"
It amuses me that the same thing written down so differently can become vastly disconnected and therefore dangerous. My own account of my feelings would not raise alarm (one would hope) and yet their account of it (post translation) could very well place me within the margins of severe mental torment.
The word, 'persecuted' can cause more harm than good in my opinion. See below for a definition:
Delusions of persecution - "Delusional belief that a person or organization is intentionally harassing or inflicting harm upon the patient."
I am aware that my 'notion' is far fetched and I have no evidence to back up to any degree what I feel is happening. But to be fair, I've not spent any time attempting to prove it. However, if someone 'up there' is actually manipulating my life, controlling every move, I doubt they would want their cover blown and so therefore, why would they plan for me to reveal my creator? It would end their game, one which has taken years to develop.
Today I am meeting with 'those who brand me with psycho words' to discuss my drawings. I'm curious to see what else of mine they will spin to portray me as 'one who should be approached with care'.
You are brilliant. Your site requires many visits. There is just too much eye candy and brain cell nourishment for a one time visit.
Why thank you Jim. Your comments are flattering to say the least. So in that case I'll not stand in your way ;)
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