Sunday, 22 June 2008

In search of time....

You can have all the time in the world and yet, somehow you will continue to lose it.

We are not progressing in life at the same rate. Life is not that simple. For what most believe to be time is merely time¹. There are many different 'times' existing in discordance alongside each other. One may be advancing at a rate of knots, which is pleasing for us until another maliciously sticks out its elongated foot intent on tripping up its successful opponent. It is highly unlikely that two or more measured 'times' can harmonize alongside each other, to work in our favour. Unfortunately for us, time thrives on conflict.

Let us take trust for example. Trust is measured by different times. It takes a certain amount of time to earn one's trust. As this time progresses, so the trust grows. But throw in manipulation and lies and all that time spent earning one's trust is instantly erased. The contestant in the marathon of trust is tripped up by a fellow athlete and the deafening shot of a gun instructs the fallen one that they must begin again. The time spent accumulating trust has been lost, never to be found again because the core 'time' which the world is governed by ceases to hold back and let you catch up. That is precious time from your life which is irretrievable.

If only more people anticipated this loss of time, perhaps then the disappointment wouldn't possess so much darkness. One hopes that for each expected time loss a candle might ignite and warm that cold dark cave which holds us captive for so long, wasting more of our precious time. We might then see that we're not alone and that others are feeling the same. Could the conflict result in harmonisation?

A happier ending than first perceived?



Rosie said...

your words are really inspiring....

mrsnatmartin said...

Thank you Rosie. This one ended unexpectedly but I'm quite pleased with its finale.